
Training Diary

View the Project on GitHub andrewcooke/choochoo

FIT Cookbook

Installing Choocoo

Instructions for install are here.

If you only want to use the python library programatically there is no need to configure the system.

If you only want to use the ch2 fit and ch2 fix-fit commands, the default configuration (ch2 default-config) is sufficient.

Check a FIT File

To check for errors in

> ch2 fix-fit --discard
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fix-fit.log
 WARNING: Could not connect to database

 Welcome to Choochoo.

 You must configure the database before use (no uri).

 Please use the ch2 db command.

If there are no warnings or errors (as above) then the file is OK (as far as my code can tell - to check timestamps see the next recipe).

Check Many FIT Files

Maybe we have a collection of files and we want to know which have problems. Note that using -v 2 reduces the logging to ERROR level only (with -v 0 we would see no logging, just the file names).

> ch2 -v 2 fix-fit --name-bad *.fit

 Welcome to Choochoo.

 You must configure the database before use (no uri).

 Please use the ch2 db command.

Check Timestamps in a FIT File

To check that the timestamp never increases by more than 60s between records:

> ch2 fix-fit --max-delta-t 60 --discard
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fix-fit.log
 WARNING: Could not connect to database

 Welcome to Choochoo.

 You must configure the database before use (no uri).

 Please use the ch2 db command.

Here we can see that there was a jump of 273 seconds.

Remove a Bad Timestamp from a FIT File

The fix-fit command can “drop” data that cause errors. In this case (compare timestamps in the two recipes above) it is the final timestamp that apperas to be wrong. So we can drop that without worrying about further, incorrect timestamps.

Note that dropping a record may remove important information from the file (see below to understand what information is removed).

The command to drop data is (see notes below):

> ch2 fix-fit --max-delta-t 60 --drop --fix-header --fix-checksum --max-fwd-len 500 -o
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fix-fit.log
 WARNING: Could not connect to database

 Welcome to Choochoo.

 You must configure the database before use (no uri).

 Please use the ch2 db command.

Note that:

See What Data are Dropped

In the recipe above data were dropped after the first 4975 bytes. We can see what records that affected as follows:

> ch2 fit records --after-bytes 4975
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fit.log

207 04975 lap
  end_position_lat: -33.42734768986702°,
  end_position_long: -70.60800148174167°,     enhanced_avg_speed: 5.577m/s,
  enhanced_max_speed: 7.838m/s,   event: lap,     event_type: stop,
  lap_trigger: session_end,   message_index: 0,   sport: cycling,
  start_position_lat: -33.42788371257484°,
  start_position_long: -70.60833390802145°,
  start_time: 2018-07-26 13:34:49+00:00,  sub_sport: generic,
  timestamp: 2018-07-26 13:59:18+00:00s,  total_ascent: 78m,
  total_calories: 181kcal,    total_descent: 49m,     total_distance: 5538.87m,
  total_elapsed_time: 1186.958s,  total_timer_time: 993.097s

209 05207 session
  enhanced_avg_speed: 5.577m/s,   enhanced_max_speed: 7.838m/s,   event: lap,
  event_type: stop,   first_lap_index: 0,     message_index: 0,
  nec_lat: -33.42733050696552°,   nec_long: -70.58597140945494°,  num_laps: 1,
  sport: cycling,     start_position_lat: -33.42788371257484°,
  start_position_long: -70.60833390802145°,
  start_time: 2018-07-26 13:34:49+00:00,  sub_sport: generic,
  swc_lat: -33.435353580862284°,  swc_long: -70.60833390802145°,
  timestamp: 2018-07-26 13:59:18+00:00s,  total_ascent: 78m,
  total_calories: 181kcal,    total_descent: 49m,     total_distance: 5538.87m,
  total_elapsed_time: 1186.958s,  total_timer_time: 993.097s,
  trigger: activity_end

211 05347 activity
  event: activity,    event_type: stop,   local_timestamp: 2018-07-26 09:59:18,
  num_sessions: 1,    timestamp: 2018-07-26 13:59:18+00:00,
  total_timer_time: 993.097s,     type: manual

That looks like metadata associated with ending an activity. Probably the “stop” button wasn’t pressed until some minutes after the activity ended. Personally, I see no need to drop this data - it seems like the jump in timestamps we saw has a reasonable explanation.

See What Data are Dropped in Detail

Maybe we are a bit more curious about the data above. What else can we see?

Notice how the record numbers are 207, 209, and 211. Since those are not consecutive there must be some internal messages also present. We can display those too:

> ch2 fit records --after-bytes 4975 --internal
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fit.log

207 04975 lap
  end_position_lat: -33.42734768986702°,
  end_position_long: -70.60800148174167°,     enhanced_avg_speed: 5.577m/s,
  enhanced_max_speed: 7.838m/s,   event: lap,     event_type: stop,
  lap_trigger: session_end,   message_index: 0,   sport: cycling,
  start_position_lat: -33.42788371257484°,
  start_position_long: -70.60833390802145°,
  start_time: 2018-07-26 13:34:49+00:00,  sub_sport: generic,
  timestamp: 2018-07-26 13:59:18+00:00s,  total_ascent: 78m,
  total_calories: 181kcal,    total_descent: 49m,     total_distance: 5538.87m,
  total_elapsed_time: 1186.958s,  total_timer_time: 993.097s

208 05069 definition
  architecture: b'\x00',  field_0: timestamp (uint32),
  field_1: start_time (uint32),   field_10: nec_long (sint32),
  field_11: swc_lat (sint32),     field_12: swc_long (sint32),
  field_13: unknown (uint8),  field_14: unknown (uint8),
  field_15: message_index (uint16),   field_16: total_calories (uint16),
  field_17: avg_speed (uint16),   field_18: max_speed (uint16),
  field_19: total_ascent (uint16),    field_2: start_position_lat (sint32),
  field_20: total_descent (uint16),   field_21: first_lap_index (uint16),
  field_22: num_laps (uint16),    field_23: avg_vertical_oscillation (uint16),
  field_24: avg_stance_time_percent (uint16),
  field_25: avg_stance_time (uint16),     field_26: event (enum),
  field_27: event_type (enum),    field_28: sub_sport (enum),
  field_29: avg_heart_rate (uint8),   field_3: start_position_long (sint32),
  field_30: max_heart_rate (uint8),   field_31: avg_cadence (uint8),
  field_32: max_cadence (uint8),  field_33: total_training_effect (uint8),
  field_34: event_group (uint8),  field_35: trigger (enum),
  field_36: avg_temperature (sint8),  field_37: max_temperature (sint8),
  field_38: unknown (uint8),  field_39: avg_fractional_cadence (uint8),
  field_4: total_elapsed_time (uint32),
  field_40: max_fractional_cadence (uint8),
  field_41: total_fractional_cycles (uint8),  field_42: unknown (uint8),
  field_43: sport_index (uint8),  field_5: total_timer_time (uint32),
  field_6: total_distance (uint32),   field_7: sport (enum),
  field_8: total_cycles (uint32),     field_9: nec_lat (sint32),
  local_message_type: 1,  message_name: session,  message_number: 18,
  no_of_fields: 44,   reserved: b'\x00'

209 05207 session
  enhanced_avg_speed: 5.577m/s,   enhanced_max_speed: 7.838m/s,   event: lap,
  event_type: stop,   first_lap_index: 0,     message_index: 0,
  nec_lat: -33.42733050696552°,   nec_long: -70.58597140945494°,  num_laps: 1,
  sport: cycling,     start_position_lat: -33.42788371257484°,
  start_position_long: -70.60833390802145°,
  start_time: 2018-07-26 13:34:49+00:00,  sub_sport: generic,
  swc_lat: -33.435353580862284°,  swc_long: -70.60833390802145°,
  timestamp: 2018-07-26 13:59:18+00:00s,  total_ascent: 78m,
  total_calories: 181kcal,    total_descent: 49m,     total_distance: 5538.87m,
  total_elapsed_time: 1186.958s,  total_timer_time: 993.097s,
  trigger: activity_end

210 05317 definition
  architecture: b'\x00',  field_0: timestamp (uint32),
  field_1: total_timer_time (uint32),     field_2: local_timestamp (uint32),
  field_3: num_sessions (uint16),     field_4: type (enum),
  field_5: event (enum),  field_6: event_type (enum),
  field_7: event_group (uint8),   local_message_type: 4,
  message_name: activity,     message_number: 34,     no_of_fields: 8,
  reserved: b'\x00'

211 05347 activity
  event: activity,    event_type: stop,   local_timestamp: 2018-07-26 09:59:18,
  num_sessions: 1,    timestamp: 2018-07-26 13:59:18+00:00,
  total_timer_time: 993.097s,     type: manual

212 05366 checksum
  checksum: 37636

Hmm. Some message defintions and the checksum. Nothing very exciting.

We can also see the same data in binary form. For example:

> ch2 fit tokens --after-bytes 4975
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fit.log
207 04975 DTA 00b687bc35f981bc35b5a33ae82425cacdb0bc3ae8a234cacd8e1c120049270f009f730800ffffffff7dbd3ae84f37cecd964739e82425cacd0000b500c9159e1e4e003100ffffffffffffffff0901ffffffffff0702ff007f7fffffffff
208 05069 DFN 41000012002cfd04860204860304850404850704860804860904860a04861d04851e04851f04852004854e04866e1007fe02840b02840e02840f02841602841702841902841a02845902845a02845b02840001000101000501000601001001021101021201021301021801021b01021c01003901013a01015101005c01025d01025e01026d01026f0102
209 05207 DTA 01b687bc35f981bc35b5a33ae82425cacd8e1c120049270f009f730800ffffffff7dbd3ae84f37cecd964739e82425cacdffffffff42696b650000000000000000000000000000b500c9159e1e4e00310000000100ffffffffffff09010200ffffffffffff007f7f00ffffffffff
210 05317 DFN 440000220008fd0486000486050486010284020100030100040100060102
211 05347 DTA 04b687bc3549270f00764fbc350100001a01ff
212 05366 CRC 0493

Remove Arbitrary Data from a FIT File

In the recipe above, perhaps we want to remove the session message and its associated defintion. This doesn’t seem that smart an idea to me, but it works as an example.

First, we note from the tokens dump that the data extend from offset 5069 to 5316 (the end value is one before the next token at 5317). We can remove that by taking the slices :5069,5317: as follows:

> ch2 fix-fit --slices :05069,05317: --fix-header --fix-checksum -o
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fix-fit.log
 WARNING: Could not connect to database

 Welcome to Choochoo.

 You must configure the database before use (no uri).

 Please use the ch2 db command.

Note that fix-fit won’t let you remove data that would corrupt the file (to the best of its ability).

Change the Times in a FIT File

> ch2 fix-fit --start '2018-01-01 12:00:00' --fix-checksum -o
    INFO: Logging to /home/andrew/.ch2/0-41/logs/fix-fit.log
 WARNING: Could not connect to database

 Welcome to Choochoo.

 You must configure the database before use (no uri).

 Please use the ch2 db command.

The --start value sets the first timestamp in the file. Subsequent timestamps have the same relative increment as before.

Search for Values in a FIT File

For some reason we want to know if a file contains any speed values over 7 m/s:

> ch2 fit grep -p '.*speed>7' --compact
usage: ch2 fit grep [-h] [--after-records N] [--limit-records N]
                    [--after-bytes N] [--limit-bytes N] [-w] [--no-validate]
                    [--max-delta-t S] [--name] [--not] [--match MATCH]
                    [--compact] [--context] --pattern MSG:FLD[=VAL]
                    [MSG:FLD[=VAL] ...] [--width WIDTH]
                    PATH [PATH ...]
ch2 fit grep: error: the following arguments are required: --pattern

Search for Values in a FIT File with Context

Seeing the results above we’d like to know more about the records where we were over 7.5m/s:

> ch2 fit grep -p 'record:enhanced_speed>7' --context
usage: ch2 fit grep [-h] [--after-records N] [--limit-records N]
                    [--after-bytes N] [--limit-bytes N] [-w] [--no-validate]
                    [--max-delta-t S] [--name] [--not] [--match MATCH]
                    [--compact] [--context] --pattern MSG:FLD[=VAL]
                    [MSG:FLD[=VAL] ...] [--width WIDTH]
                    PATH [PATH ...]
ch2 fit grep: error: the following arguments are required: --pattern

The search expression has the form record:field=value where record and field are regular expressions. If the : is omitted then the record name is ignored. The comparison can be =, >, < or ~ - the last of these is for regular expression matching on the value.

Find FIT Files with Values

This has made us curious. Do we have any rides where we exceed 17m/s?

> ch2 fit grep -p 'record:enhanced_speed>17' --match 0 --name *.fit
usage: ch2 fit grep [-h] [--after-records N] [--limit-records N]
                    [--after-bytes N] [--limit-bytes N] [-w] [--no-validate]
                    [--max-delta-t S] [--name] [--not] [--match MATCH]
                    [--compact] [--context] --pattern MSG:FLD[=VAL]
                    [MSG:FLD[=VAL] ...] [--width WIDTH]
                    PATH [PATH ...]
ch2 fit grep: error: the following arguments are required: --pattern

The --name flag displays filenames on matching, while --match 0 means that no matching data are displayed.

Restrict Displayed Dates

The “usual” display options lets us restrict the range of records or bytes, but not timestamps (or any other field). But we can work around this by using --grep:

> ch2 fit grep -p '.*:timestamp>2018-03-04 11:56:33+00:00' '.*:timestamp<2018-03-04 12:00:00+00:00' --
usage: ch2 fit grep [-h] [--after-records N] [--limit-records N]
                    [--after-bytes N] [--limit-bytes N] [-w] [--no-validate]
                    [--max-delta-t S] [--name] [--not] [--match MATCH]
                    [--compact] [--context] --pattern MSG:FLD[=VAL]
                    [MSG:FLD[=VAL] ...] [--width WIDTH]
                    PATH [PATH ...]
ch2 fit grep: error: the following arguments are required: --pattern

Note that we needed to explicitly include a wildcard record for the timestamp because the timestamp value itself contains colons - without the leading .*: the left-most colon in the timestamp would have been taken as the record separator.

Also, it’s worth understanding that comparisons with --grep are done via strings unless the given pattern can be parsed as a float.

Read a FIT File in Python

So maybe now we want to know what the maximum speed is in a file? We need to write some code to do that…

from logging import basicConfig, getLogger, INFO
from import read_fit, read_profile
from import no_bad_values
from import parse_data

log = getLogger()

data = read_fit('')
types, messages = read_profile(log)
state, tokens = parse_data(data, types, messages)

SPEED = 'enhanced_speed'
max_speed = None

for offset, token in tokens:
    record = token.parse_token()
    data = record.as_dict(no_bad_values).data
    if SPEED in data:
        values, units = data[SPEED]
        for value in values:
            if max_speed is None or value > max_speed:
                max_speed = value

print('Maximum speed: %.2f' % max_speed)

Giving the output

Maximum speed: 7.80